Participación: elementos de la comunicación. Observar y ser consciente.

Observing and being conscious of what happens around us to have a better understanding.

  1. Start with one minute of silence.
  2. Be conscious of your breathing (slow, deep).
  3. Listen twice as much as you speak.
  4. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. (Stephen Covey)
  5. Empathy: What has lead ME to think this way? What has lead HIM/HER to think this way?
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Participación: elementos de la comunicación. La motivación.

Building Blocks of Communication
Motivation to communicate with each other. Maslow Pyramid.

  1. Helping the others.
  2. Feeling good with what I do.
  3. Pushing an exciting, worthwhile project.
  4. Joining people I feel great with.
  5. ‘Personal motivations’… of the others.
    • You and I happen to have two different points of view.
    • When I give you my ‘objective’ ARGUMENTS,
      I’ll remove your ignorance and
      I’m sure you will certainly agree.
    • If not, I’ll then give you ‘objective’ DATA
       and you will then agree, for sure.
    • If you still don’t…
      You’re not being reasonable,
      and you’re denying my ‘objective’ arguments and information!!!
      You must have a HIDDEN AGENDA!!!
    • 5.And we ALL think this way! 😳 :-DDD
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Participación: elementos de la comunicación. Punto de partida.

Starting point in communication

  1. Are we having a discussion just for the pleasure of spending time together or…
  2. .…because we have a common project or purpose?
  3. If #2, we better consider the blocks with which we build a kind of communication…
  4. …that may have a positive impact in our lives or our purposes.
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